martes, 19 de enero de 2021


                                         🌸 New LSR for Tres Chic 🌸

January Round Open 17th / 

✩[ LsR ] - Sexy Serenia Suit Fatpack✩

✩ Exclusive for Tres Chic

100% Original Mesh


✔Mesh:Leggins and Sweater

✔Hud Textures 35 Textures Ruffles [35 Textures ]

✔Sizes: Legacy [ Classic - Perky ] Maitreya [ Lara - Petite ] 

✔Single Items available 'ONE TEXTURE'

✔Full Options in FatPack at The Big Fatpack

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Virtual Diva

🌹 Love  Virtual Diva Love Love FATPACK Panty  and Top Maitreya LaraX Legacy Bombshell Reborn Waifu LM