sábado, 31 de julio de 2021

 Jacket Niky--Jean Tamara--Top Naya

Jacket Niky--Jean Tamara--Top Naya


60 Beauty Event Start July 21th at 11th August Landmark Event http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Good%20Girls/31/231/24 

After Event in the mainstore http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Thoth/173/33/21

 Victoria Dress💋

Perfect Fashion

Victoria Dress





Belleza Isis/Freya

Slink Hourglass

Store Landmark: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Renaissance%20Van%20Withelmind/66/216/ 22 

Marketplace: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/es-ES/stores/86886


Truly Outrageous Fashion


Outfit is rigged for the following bodies:

• Maitreya & Petite

• Legacy, Perky & Petite

• Belleza Freya Perky

• Slink Hourglass

• Kupra & Kups A/B

• Love Body Aphrodite

• Love Momma Persephone

• eBody Classic & Curvy

• Tonic Curvy, Fine & Fine Mini

FB  https://www.facebook.com/trulyoutrageousfashion

 LANDMARK: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Truly Outrageous / 208/122/22



BOM layers included

includes 6 makeup variations




FB  https://www.facebook.com/VengefulThreads

Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/MERAKI/60/182/46

martes, 27 de julio de 2021


JR Wolf Creations

Melantha Swimsuit

Sexy pentacle print swimsuit with fishnet cutout for Belleza (FREYA ONLY), Inithium (KUPRA AND LOW), Legacy (ORIGINAL ONLY), Maitreya (LARA AND PETITE) and Slink (HOURGLASS ONLY) mesh bodies.

MP https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Melantha-Swimsuit-ADD-ME-JR-Wolf-Creations/22269268

FB  https://www.facebook.com/groups/534012976675728

LM https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bao/35/191/21



Top, Dress,Panties and Sandals for Maitreya Lara, Legacy Classic, Belleza Freya and Isis and Slink Hourglass mesh bodies;

Fatpack version included UNIVERSAL HUD 11 Textures

MP Store : https://marketplace.secondlife.com/pt-BR/stores/149994

Main Store http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Valentine%20Heart%20Island/121/128/22

FB  https://www.facebook.com/BRIIUNDERGROUNDWEAR/





 Compatible with:

- Maitreya Lara

- Belleza: Isis, Freya, Venus

- Slink: Physique & Hourglass

- Legacy

 Prize 1: Denim Jacket with Daisy embroidery + Inner sweater.

 HUD Texture Options:

 x 10 Denim colors (all with embroidery)

 x 10 Sweaters: 5 Solid colors + 5 Prints

- Inner sweater can be hidden via HUD.

- Optional alpha mask (BOM) included (compatible with Maitreya v5 and Slink Redux).

 Prize 2: Denim Skirt Daisy embroidery + Inner panty (or c-string).

 HUD Texture Options:

 x 10 Denim colors (all with embroidery)

- Inner panty can be hidden via HUD.

 Prize 3: Fishnets (Omega, Maitreya, Legacy appliers + BOM)

 HUD Texture Options:

 x 6 Solid colors.

 Prize 4: Easter Egg. (can be hold on L and R hand)

HUD Texture Options:

 x 12 colors

- Daisy can be hidden via HUD.

- Bonus: Also added the hunt object as a holdable egg.

Prize 5: Boots. Rigged + Unrigged.

 HUD Texture Options:

x 6 Matching color.

MP https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/BDR-Margarita-The-Bunny-Hop-2-Hunt-box-2020-All-prizes-included/19435804



LM https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Beautiful%20Dirty%20Rich/123/118/22

 Sexy Julia Dress💛

✩✩ [ LsR ] ✩✩

 ✩- Sexy Julia Dress


[✔]Mesh: Dress 

[✔]Hud 70 Textures Plains/Patterns

[✔]Suit : Legacy [Classic - Perky ] Maitreya [ Lara - Petite ] 

[✔]Single Items available 'Two Textures' included Hud 70 Ruffles Textures

[✔]Full Options in FatPack

MP https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/56135

FB https://www.facebook.com/LSRModa/

LM http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bad%20Girl/84/229/23

jueves, 22 de julio de 2021


✧ WellMade

Maluna Outfit 


➸ HUD Top, belt and pants: 22 colors each

➸ Belleza (Freya - Isis), Legacy, Maitreya & Slink (Hourglass)

 ➸ Marketplace: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/WellMade-Maluna-Outfit-SPECIAL-PROMO/22289377

➸ Inworld:  https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Serena%20Capri/153/156/3501

➸ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WellMadeStore

 🌹Harmony -Top & Bra And Breathe Denim Outfit🌹


----Harmony -Top & Bra----

❥ Compatible with:

- Maitreya Lara

- Belleza: Isis, Freya, Venus

- Slink: Physique, Hourglass

► Includes:

★ Fitted mesh top with inner bra. (Outer top can be hidden via HUD). -Check extra images-

★ HUD Texture Options: Top - Inner Bra - Beads

- HUD 1: Solid Colors

● x 10 Solid colors (Inner bra)

● x 10 Sheer colors (Outer top)

● x 10 Lace colors (Outer top)

● x 10 Fishnet/Floral colors (Outer top)

● x 10 Crochet colors (Outer top)

● x 10 Matching color beads

● x 10 Wooden beads

You can turn On/Off textures transparency (Alpha Blending) via HUD, by turning it off you'll get an alternative look, not to mention that once transparency is off you're not going to have issues with long hairs, tattoos, etc. -Check extra images-

- HUD 2: Patterns.

● x 12 Patterns (Inner Bra & Outer Top)

● x 24 Matching color beads

● x 10 Wooden beads.

 ----Breathe -Denim Outfit----

❥ Compatible with:

- Maitreya Lara

- Belleza: Isis, Freya, Venus

- Slink: Physique, Hourglass

► Includes:

★ Fitted mesh triangle bra and bell bottom jeans. (option for Flat and High feet included).

★ HUD Texture Options: Top (bra & straps) - Pants: Sides and Denim change separately.

● x 12 Patterns (Bra & Straps)

● x 12 Denim/Solid colors (Bra & Straps).

● x 12 Denim/Solid colors (Jeans)

● x 12 Patterns (Pants sides)

● x 10 Optional Crochet colors (Texture transparency aka Alpha Blending can be turned On/Off via HUD).

► Marketplace https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/BDR-Breathe-Denim-Outfit/17462933

► Marketplace https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/BDR-Harmony-Top-Bra/17463056

► Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Beautiful-Dirty-Rich-106362909424441/photos/2279015128825864

► Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Beautiful-Dirty-Rich-106362909424441/photos/2279015438825833

► Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/groups/beautifuldirtyrich/

► In-world: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Beautiful%20Dirty%20Rich/128/111/22

💟  Joy Moments 💟

::.Seduction Poses.:: 

Joy Moments Couple Bento Pose



miércoles, 21 de julio de 2021

 Belt Spay Covid19💙

Belt Spray - Hand Sanitizer - liquid soap - Covid 19 coronavirus

[✔] MESH


[✔] Unisexe

[✔] Resize B

[✔] High Definition

[✔] 100 % Original Mesh Creation

MP https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Belt-Spay-Covid19/19187275

LM http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Absolut%20Creation/128/243/23

miércoles, 14 de julio de 2021

 Arwen Outfit and  Danna Sandals💢


Arwen Outfit and   Danna Sandals

 Arwen Outfit

➸ HUD Top: 22 solids + 22 satin colors + 22 prints + metal options / HUD Shorts: 22 shades of denim / HUD Belt: 22 colors + metal options

➸ Belleza (Freya - Isis), Legacy, Maitreya & Slink (Hourglass)

 Danna Sandals

➸ HUD 25 colors / fully customizable / fishnet can be hidden

➸ Belleza (Freya - Isis - Venus), Kupra, Legacy, Maitreya, Slink (Hourglass - Physique) & Star Mesh Body

MP https://marketplace.secondlife.com/es-ES/stores/174329

FB https://www.facebook.com/WellMadeStore

Taxi https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Serena%20Capri/153/156/3501

 Awesome Unicorn🌈


Awesome Unicorn Outfit

Funciona con Maitreya, Belleza (ALL), Slink (ALL) y Legacy

FB https://www.facebook.com/SpunkyGrl/?ref=page_internal

MP https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Tastic-Awesome-Unicorn-Outfit/22013565

LM https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Town%20Center/43/94/47

 'Flash Quad'💟


'Flash Quad'

This design contains:

4 Different outfits

BOM / System Layers

Clothing Layers

FB https://www.facebook.com/VengefulThreads

MP https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/VENGE-Flash-Quad-with-BOM-Add-Me/21993192

Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/MERAKI/54/187/46

Spellbound Nose Chain-- Evocation Bindi--Villain Claws🌹

Six Feet Under

Spellbound Nose Chain

⛧ Original Mesh

⛧ Resize/Stretch Script

⛧ Texture HUD (4 metals, 4 faces)

⛧ Left and Right Versions

⛧ Materials (Advanced Lighting)


Evocation Bindi

⛧ Original Mesh

⛧ Resize/Stretch Script

⛧ Texture HUD (4 metals, 9 gems)

⛧ Materials (Requires Advanced Lighting)


Villain Claws

⛧ Original Mesh

⛧ Texture HUD (7 metals/colors)

⛧ Materials (Requires Advanced Lighting)

⛧ Rigged for Maitreya, Legacy, SLink, Kupra

MP https://marketplace.secondlife.com/es-ES/stores/45890

LM https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Indian%20Paradise/38/164/22

 Genesis Jumpsui💙


Genesis Jumpsui

* Maitreya Lara

* Belleza Freya

* Legacy

8 colors denim and lace texture

MP https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/GAW-Genesis-Jumpsuit-FATPACK/21941198

FB https://www.facebook.com/gozdeangelinaweirman

Taxi http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cincik/250/241/28

..::B2K Design::..

  ❤ Ruby ..::B2K Design::.. Set Lingerie Ruby LaraX - Legacy - Bombshell - Reborn - Waifu Primfeed https://www.primfeed.com/b2k-design Flick...