jueves, 22 de julio de 2021

 🌹Harmony -Top & Bra And Breathe Denim Outfit🌹


----Harmony -Top & Bra----

❥ Compatible with:

- Maitreya Lara

- Belleza: Isis, Freya, Venus

- Slink: Physique, Hourglass

► Includes:

★ Fitted mesh top with inner bra. (Outer top can be hidden via HUD). -Check extra images-

★ HUD Texture Options: Top - Inner Bra - Beads

- HUD 1: Solid Colors

● x 10 Solid colors (Inner bra)

● x 10 Sheer colors (Outer top)

● x 10 Lace colors (Outer top)

● x 10 Fishnet/Floral colors (Outer top)

● x 10 Crochet colors (Outer top)

● x 10 Matching color beads

● x 10 Wooden beads

You can turn On/Off textures transparency (Alpha Blending) via HUD, by turning it off you'll get an alternative look, not to mention that once transparency is off you're not going to have issues with long hairs, tattoos, etc. -Check extra images-

- HUD 2: Patterns.

● x 12 Patterns (Inner Bra & Outer Top)

● x 24 Matching color beads

● x 10 Wooden beads.

 ----Breathe -Denim Outfit----

❥ Compatible with:

- Maitreya Lara

- Belleza: Isis, Freya, Venus

- Slink: Physique, Hourglass

► Includes:

★ Fitted mesh triangle bra and bell bottom jeans. (option for Flat and High feet included).

★ HUD Texture Options: Top (bra & straps) - Pants: Sides and Denim change separately.

● x 12 Patterns (Bra & Straps)

● x 12 Denim/Solid colors (Bra & Straps).

● x 12 Denim/Solid colors (Jeans)

● x 12 Patterns (Pants sides)

● x 10 Optional Crochet colors (Texture transparency aka Alpha Blending can be turned On/Off via HUD).

► Marketplace https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/BDR-Breathe-Denim-Outfit/17462933

► Marketplace https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/BDR-Harmony-Top-Bra/17463056

► Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Beautiful-Dirty-Rich-106362909424441/photos/2279015128825864

► Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Beautiful-Dirty-Rich-106362909424441/photos/2279015438825833

► Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/groups/beautifuldirtyrich/

► In-world: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Beautiful%20Dirty%20Rich/128/111/22

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